Hero Decal

Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN


Published on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at 1:19:40 PM

Offer No: D01-2023
Disposal of Property

The Shire of Merredin invites offers for disposal of the following property:

  • Lot 29 McCallum Street, Muntadgin, WA 6240, Deposit plan 148880, Certificate of Title Volume 1013, Folio 836

Further information is available by contacting Leah Boehme on (08) 9041 1611 or emcs@merredin.wa.gov.au

Offers are to be marked “Private & Confidential – disposal of property D01-2023,” addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and will be received up to 12:00pm WST on Friday, 14 July 2023. Offers are to be submitted via email to admin@merredin.wa.gov.au (preferred), posted to PO Box 42, Merredin WA 6415, or hand delivered to the Shire Administration Office, corner of King and Barrack Streets, Merredin WA 6415, during normal business hours. Late offers will not be accepted.

Lisa Clack
Chief Executive Officer
22 June 2023