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Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN

Business Resources

There are a number of resources available online with information on business support during the Covid-19 pandemic, below are some helpful links to assist.

Please note these agencies will likely be experiencing high volumes of calls and queries so please be patient.

Agriculture & Agri-Business Wellbeing Factsheet

Australian Government (Business) - Backing Business Investment (BBI)

Australian Government (Business) - Supporting Apprentices and Trainees

Business Local Wheatbelt - FREE Advice and Mentoring

Regional Development Australia - Latest News

Tourism WA - Business Support

WA Government - COVID-19 Rent Relief

WBN - COVID-19 Support For Wheatbelt Businesses

Wheatbelt Development Commission - Information Relating to COVID-19


The WBN in association with the Wheatbelt Development Commission and RDA Wheatbelt are providing Wheatbelt businesses with the opportunity to access valuable business information and assistance relating to COVID-19 through a dedicated Hotline service.

Businesses will be able to talk to one of our WBN professionals on any issues relating to the COVID-19 situation and where we are not able to assist directly, we can refer you to one of our contacts who will be able to assist. You will also have access to our targeted webinars relating to the current business situation.

As an added service, we will be assisting businesses in the Wheatbelt get their WBN Business Directory up to date. We receive numerous calls each week for people looking for businesses in our directory who do not have their phone number displayed. If you are a Wheatbelt business:

  1. Check you are in the WBN Business directory. If you are not, then either sign up for a free listing which gives you your business name, address, phone number and email (if you want a more comprehensive listing you will need to sign up as a member)
  2. If your details are out of date or missing, please email them to r.thomas@wheatbeltbusinessnetwork.com.au and we will update them for you.

Businesses accessing the COVID-19 Support Hotline will have access to a portion of the service offered to WBN members – if you wish to access all of the benefits and services available to members (see table below), we’d love to have you on board as a member. CLICK HERE to go to the Membership form.

Businesses who are NOT a WBN member must register to access this service by filling in and submitting the form at the bottom of the page to register your business. Once registered, you will receive the hotline phone number which you can call any time during business hours.

Register your business here. 

Rachael Thomas and Caroline Robinson are available to talk to you at any time to help you access further details or talk through any issues.

Rachael - 0428 855 224

Caroline - 0403 225 900

🌐 https://www.wheatbeltbusinessnetwork.com.au/

WALGA - VendorPanel Marketplace

Local businesses will be able to more easily access Local Government contracts with the launch of a sector-wide procurement platform.

Underwritten by the WA Local Government Association and free to use for members and suppliers, VendorPanel Marketplace enables Local Government buyers to link with local suppliers and manage local procurement processes. 

Read the full media release here