Hero Decal

Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN


Published on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 at 2:00:59 PM

                                                                PUBLIC NOTICE


                                                      MANAGEMENT OF BUTLER’S CORELLA


The Shire of Merredin has recommenced a Butler’s Corella management program this month.  Butler’s Corella, are a declared pest in the Wheatbelt.

The current large local population is causing environmental destruction, in particular long-term damage to trees that are important habitats for other species including the endangered black cockatoo. Corellas have heavily impacted biodiversity within the Shire and are causing significant damage to playing surfaces, native vegetation and infrastructure. There is also an increased economic impact on farming, sporting grounds and homes.

The Shire of Merredin’s management program will include a multi-pronged humane approach, including limiting food, sacrificial feeding areas and population control through trapping and euthanising the birds. Techniques such as using poisons or anaesthetics will not be used, as they are considered ineffective and may present a risk to non-target animals.

For further information, please contact Lindon Mellor, Executive Manager Engineering Services at the Shire of Merredin, on (08) 9041 1611 or by email at emes@merredin.wa.gov.au


Lisa Clack


6TH December 2022