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Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN

What is an application for planning approval and when is it required?

  • An application for planning approval (planning consent, development approval) is an application to Council seeking approval to develop land in accordance with the Shire of Merredin Town Planning Scheme No.1 (the scheme)

  • The scheme defines development as:
    "the use or development of any land and includes the erection, construction, alteration or carrying out of any building, excavation or other works on any land"

  • Planning approval relates to the use of the land, and the compatibility of the proposed use of the land to the zone (eg. residential, light industry, general farming, office etc.) assigned to the property by the scheme

  • Planning approval is required for, but not limited to, the following developments
    1. Increase in the number of dwelling units on a lot (ie. grouped dwelling, multiple dwelling, retirement accommodation);
    2. Construction of a fence within the front setback area of a property that is >1200mm in height and of solid (not visually permeable) construction;
    3. Construction of a dwelling or building (outbuilding/shed, garage, patio or the like) that does not comply with the setback requirements or other specific requirements of the Council policy of the Residential Design Codes (ie. single dwelling with setback less than 1.0m to side boundary, outbuilding built up to property boundary, carport that is built up to a secondary street boundary);
    4. Construction of a new commercial building or substantial alterations to an existing commercial building;
    5. Commercial engineering works such as land subdivision and landscaping involving the alteration of natural ground levels by more than 500mm;
    6. Extractive industry operations;
    7. Disposal of used tyres on a commercial basis;
    8. Deposit of refuse or waste materials and commercial activities that result in the discharge of materials onto land (ie. vehicle wash down facilities, waste disposal sites);
    9. Certain advertising signage;
    10. Occupation of, and undertaking of business in, an existing building that changes the classification of the building (eg. occupying a previously vacant commercial property; occupying a building previously classified as a Class 6 and undertaking activities that require the re-classification of that building to Class 8); and
    11. Proposed use of land that is not designated as a permitted ("P") use within the Scheme

  • Planning approval is not required for the following:
    1. Single dwelling on an unoccupied property zoned residential;
    2. Constructing an outbuilding, patio, carport or the like in accordance with the provisions of Council policy, the Residential Design Codes and any requirement of the Heritage Act 1988 for Heritage Listed buildings;
    3. The use of a building on land that does not differ from the pre-existing use of that building and that is compatible with the assigned zone of the scheme;
    4. A public work undertaken by any Government or agency thereof;
    5. Construction of a road or carrying out of improvements on land designated as open space;
    6. Maintenance that affects only the interior of a building;
    7. Mining undertaken in accordance with the Mining Act 1978; and
    8. The use of land or a building ancillary to an existing conforming use

  • Fees are applicable for an application for planning consent are available upon request
Contact Details
Contact Executive Manager of Development Services
Phone (08) 9041 1611
Fax (08) 9041 2379
Email emds@merredin.wa.gov.au